The previous pages outline what the Society does and what it aspires to do.  If you have read this far, you obviously have an interest in the LNER, so why not join us and help to make it happen?

The LNER Society membership includes active researchers and historians as well as modellers; people with a specific interest in one aspect of the LNER and others with a more general interest.

All are most welcome to join us, to take part, to contribute and to enjoy Society activities. The Society’s Rules and Constitution are viewable here.

The attached Membership Application Form is downloadable.  If you are aged 18 years or older, we invite you to complete it and send it, with the appropriate subscription, to our Membership Secretary whose contact details are shown below.

Subscriptions for existing members become due each July, details of subscription rates and payment options can be found here.

Membership Secretary
The LNER Society
2 Dene Hill



West Yorkshire
BD17 5BA


LNER Society Pin Badge (available whilst stocks last)